Saturday, September 3, 2011

Wash that Man Right Outta My Hair

To shampoo, or not to shampoo?

That is the question.

For is it nobler to use non toxic products and wash more often or to use conventional product and wash more sparingly.

In an effort to reduce the amount of chemicals I am flushing down the drain I decided to wash my hair less often.  I heard that your scalp would adapt and your hair would actually be less oily and you could go longer without washing.  I used to wash every other day religiously. 

So I started weaning myself.  First I would go 3 days in between, then 4 and for the past year I have been washing my hair once a week.  It is true that your scalp does adjust and that my hair could wait the six days in between washes. 

Monday it looks good, Tuesday is better than Monday, Wednesday it’s ok and Thursday it starts to show a bit of oil, so I pull it back.  Friday I am off from work so who cares and Saturday hair is pulled back in a ponytail or bun.  On Sunday, well you don’t want to see my hair on Sunday.  That’s when I usually wash it.  Unless, I have to go out Saturday night.

Simultaneously I tried to move away from conventional shampoos and try to find something less toxic.  One controversial ingredient I try to stay away from is MIT (methylisothiazoline).  Some studies have shown neurological system damage.  Some worry that pregnant women can put their developing fetuses’ brain development at risk.

I tried Dr. Young’s Shampoo and Conditioner which were great but so expensive.  Here is a link to the website.

I tried Aubrey Organics.  This one only worked for me the first 3 washes afterward my hair looked horrible.

I tried Burt Bees Pomegranate but I didn’t like the smell. 

I eventually tried Burt Bees rosemary body wash and then Dr. Bronner’s castile soap. 

The truth is they will not leave your hair feeling the same way as the conventional brands but I think it is worth it in order to stay away from such toxic chemicals.

I will keep looking and till then my hair will be oily sometimes and frizzy other times but hopefully my body and the environment will be the better for it.

Please take a look at some links for more information.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Deo for the B.O.

Raise your hand if your "Sure".

Raise your hand if you want Alzheimer's Disease.

Aluminum!  Does it cause or contribute to Alzheimer's Disease? 

Some studies claim that high levels of aluminum have been found in the brains of deceased patients with Alzheimer's Disease.  Some studies claim that there is no real evidence linking the two. 

However as our exposure to aluminum increases daily and can be found in things that we have no control of like sliced cheese.  I feel like its a good idea to reduce my exposure.  I'm not a gambler and don't want to take my chances.  I can choose cookware that is not made of aluminum, I can drink from glass bottles and not from aluminum cans.

So I decided to have control of what I rub under my armpit everyday. 

Unless you are a freak of nature like my husband who doesn't smell under his underarms at all.  You are searching for something that can control the odor and the sweat.

Anyone who has tried this can relate.  My experience has been that the "natural stuff" just doesn't work as well.  Tried Naturally Fresh and it was not too bad.  I settled on Tom's of Maine.  It is easy to find at all the stores.  Apricot did not work well for me.  Mixed in with my own aroma it was not a good scent for me.  Woodspice also not a good scent.  The best one so far is Lavender.

Staying dry is still an issue.

Confident, Confident, dry and secure.  Raise your hand.  Well I just don't raise my hand.

To do your own research check out some links:
to help with choosing safer products:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Light Green

What is light green?  I consider my liftstyle as light green or green lite.  It's not about getting it all right as we strive to be more and more green everyday.  Its about trying to live resposibly without going cold turkey on everything. 

I have found that people sometimes are forced to choose extremes.  If you say you are making choices to help maintain our environment you can't eat on a paper plate or drive a car.  You can't eat a conventional vegetable or eat meat.

The other extreme is not to care at all an think that anyone trying to make a difference is wasting their time.  Drive a hummer to the corner and never recycle.

Most people need to make little changes.  One at a time.  Exchanging one thing for a better option.

This blog is my opportunity to share my journey as I make little changes here and there.  Hopefully those who read will become encouraged to share their own experiences and suggestions without judgement.

Please visit often for new ideas.